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A member registered Mar 06, 2022

Recent community posts

1. Which character did you like best?

Vivian !! i adore him omg im looking forward to when his and Nico's routes come out :D

2. Did you manage to unlock the post-credits scene?

Nope not yet but I hope to soon

3.  Your favourite scene/ moment in the game?

All scenes with Vivian and also the scene where Nico was doing MCs makeup :o 

4. Would you like to see more of any particular side character/ is there any other content you'd like us to add or improve on?

Hmmm maybe Jun he's pretty cool ^__^

5. Anything else you'd like to ask or tell us!

I really like the game as it is, especially the visuals and all are really pretty :DD I think I found a new favourite game lol.  Also one last thing, remember to take breaks and not rush and stufff